How Marriage Minute became a must-read for marrieds

👋🏻 Welcome to Newsletter Examples, where I highlight the formats, strategies, and best practices of leading newsletters to help you grow and monetize your newsletter.

Today, I explore how marriage therapists John and Julie Gottman turned Marriage Minute, a must-read for marrieds, into a marketing vehicle for their relationship tools and books. Total examples: 5. Total reading time: 3 minutes.

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Example 1: Become indispensable

When I found out about Marriage Minute, I felt guilty not signing up. How could I not set aside one minute to make my marriage better?

Example 2: Make it forward-able

Over the years, I’ve forwarded my wife many Marriage Minute emails, highlighting things I’m guilty of 😳… things I’m working on 😁… and more, all of which has helped keep me out of the doghouse (at least when I listen to the advice!).

Example 3: Become known for something

The Gottmans created their own version of the biblical Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, which depict the end of times in the New Testament. Their Four Horsemen describe communication styles that can predict the end of a relationship.

Example 4: Build trust. Then sell.

You don’t want to become a shill. But if you have something valuable to offer your audience, don’t be afraid to share it.

Example 5: Personalize that sh*t

Bonus Ask: Help me help you!

I’m making this newsletter to help you—can you do one quick thing for me? Please take this flash survey on what what you like/don’t like about this newsletter, and what I could do better 🙏…

Hope you enjoyed this week’s examples. I’ll be back next week with a new batch!

☮️ Brad

P.S. I spend several hours a week researching and writing Newsletter Examples. If you appreciate this work and know someone who could benefit from it, please consider forwarding them this email 💌.

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