How After School capitalizes on youth trends

👋🏻 Welcome back to Newsletter Examples, where I highlight the formats, strategies, and best practices of leading newsletters to help you grow and monetize your newsletter.

Today, I show how Casey Lewis helps people stay on top of trends in youth culture through her After School newsletter. Total examples: 5. Total reading time: 3 minutes.

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Example 1: Establish your street cred

Example 2: Skip the pleasantries

I used to write long-winded intros, but people rarely read them. Unless you have something truly interesting to say—or something essential to sell—save your breath.

Everyone from Fortune 500 executives to my teenage kids care about the latest trends in youth culture. Casey does an admirable job of making her newsletter resonate with readers all along that spectrum.

Example 4: Drop them ‘Toks

Casey loves TikTok. For one piece, she says she watched “hundreds (thousands?) of TikTok Christmas hauls.” Her longer weekend newsletter for paid subscribers resembles a TikTok feed; in one issue, I counted 28 TikToks!

Example 5: Share your recs

What youth culture newsletter would be complete without the author’s picks, including an After School Spotify playlist?

Hope you enjoyed this week’s examples. I’ll be back next week with a new set!

☮️ -Brad

P.S. Have a favorite newsletter you want me to dissect? Share your suggestion here (🙏 to subscriber Sidney Madden of City Cast Chicago for the idea).

P.P.S. I spend several hours a week researching and writing Newsletter Examples. If you know someone who could benefit from it, please forward them this email 💌.

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