How SatPost redefined business news

👋🏻 Welcome to Newsletter Examples, where I highlight the formats, strategies, and best practices of leading newsletters to help you improve your newsletter.

Today, I show how my former Hustle colleague and meme lord Trung Phan upended boring business news through his weekly SatPost sends. Total examples: 5 + 1 . Total reading time: 3 minutes.

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Example 1: Bank on big themes ✅ + ❌

Trung’s April 27 newsletter (“The Making of LEGO Star Wars”) is my frontrunner for best email of the year. It was epically long (❌) but tells little-known success stories of legendary consumer brands while exploring two of the more impactful themes you can write about: 1) how to get rich 🤑 and 2) how to be a good parent 👊.

Example 2: Anchor on big names ✅

Business journalists often cover single industries (i.e., automobiles, retail, media). Trung covers the most interesting companies across industries (i.e., Tesla, Apple, Costco), and the stories of people who run them. This gives him the range to explore whatever interests him, and more storylines to hook readers.

Example 3: Tweet first, then expand ✅

Example 4: Repurpose, reuse, recycle ✅

Example 5: Share them fire memes ✅

Hope you enjoyed this week’s examples. I’ll be back next week with a new set!

☮️ -Brad

P.S. Heading to the Newsletter Conference? I’ll be speaking on a panel about creating 🔥 content and moderating a “Lunch & Learn” on writing banger newsletters. Lemme know if you’ll be there—maybe we can meet up!

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