The doctor is in

How one internist uses her newsletter to personalize medical care

👋🏻 Welcome to Newsletter Examples, where I highlight the formats, strategies, and best practices of leading newsletters to help you improve your newsletter.

Today, I show you how Dr. Lucy McBride, a DC-based physician, uses her newsletter—Are You Okay?—to answer the questions your doctor doesn’t. Total examples: 5 ✅ (do this) + 1 ❌ (don’t do that). Total reading time: 3 minutes.

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Example 1: Declare your purpose ✅

Example 2: Make yourself relatable ✅

Example 3: Go against the grain ✅

Example 4: Discuss difficult subjects ✅ + ❌

Example 5: Open yourself up ✅

Hope you enjoyed this week’s examples. I’ll be back next week with a new set!

☮️ -Brad

P.S. I asked Dr. McBride a few questions, including how she’s grown her list to 29k subscribers. Reply to this email with “what’s up doc?” and I’ll send you her responses.

P.P.S. Send me a fun fact about yourself, and I’ll share the most interesting ones next week. Here are mine…

My wife and me, at the tennis tournament in Cincinnati where we met as kids

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